sábado, 9 de junho de 2012

Mãe de mães

Hoje sou assombrado com memórias de alguém passado,
Sou apresentado com imagens que vivi e que pus de lado,
Dias passados em que o Sol cobria a superfície que pisava,
Dias em que eu não sabia que o que via era o que precisava,
Um sítio onde não conseguia aguentar as pessoas que o habitavam,
Um sítio a que apenas a uma pessoa pertencia mas tantas lá permaneciam.

Uma pessoa pessoa que de todas as outras sobressaiu e restou,
Um presença forte que na minha mente achou um canto e ficou,
Memória escassa que de forma contínua me ilude o pensamento,
Trazes-me imagens daquela que ainda penso por um momento
E que depois me abandona como alguém do passado que insiste em voltar
E que rapidamente voltou a perder e não me consigo perdoar
Por acções infantis para com aquela que já me sorria
Ainda não sabia ela que nada de mim se aproveitaria.

Mãe de mães que comigo já não estás,
Filho da tua filha, assim me recordarás
Nos dias em que te encontrares perdida
Nesses corredores vazios a pensar na vida.

quarta-feira, 6 de junho de 2012


Peace is always hard to be obtained,
It's always too difficult to be attained.
That goal, that ease of mind,
This but a dream with no ally.
It's a search to no avail,
A villain with higher detail
Focused on his on self
Someday - I hope- will be screaming for help.

But peace is yet another just cause
To those whose interest may arouse.
Arise and let your voices be clear
Shout as loud as you can so everyone hear.
The message that you bring to all
Words that to some may appall,
Let one word be heard, one word to all action cease...

sábado, 2 de junho de 2012

Agarrei na noite

Agarrei na noite e deixei escapar
Um suspiro que se deixou levar
Para as profundezas azuis do mar
E nunca mais se encontrar.

Verdade que caminhei
Pelo bosque e encontrei
Palavras que já decorei,
(De alguém cujos lábios nunca saboreei),
Verdades nas sombras.

Para aqueles a quem as trevas assolam
E apenas na luz se consolam
Digo palavras que a nenhuns assombram.

Agarrei a noite e deixei-a escapar,
Às vezes há coisas que mais vale largar
Do que constantemente pensar
E a conclusão nenhuma chegar.

sexta-feira, 1 de junho de 2012


Got to bring them to light, all my mistakes, all the things left unsaid by the night. Death is ever nigh, so eyes aware search the darkness for that infinite, silence sleep. Wide awake, awaiting tragedy without second thought to the irony. Vicariously passing through a loophole in time, letting life escape through the fingers, wondering what has just been seen, accepting the shadows as beings of the same nature. All over the wall light reflects back and leaves unseen the truth. A boy sits and waits, slowly his human nature changes from predator to prey.
Death is an old, ugly man. Face always frowning, ever sad, ever lonely. Seeking company but never obtaining it, it retrieves lives. Methodical, liar, treasonous brother of life. Lover of the sea, it thrusts forward against ships and land, takes all in sight. Coming from ancient times of cold and stone to these days of steel and concrete, it bursts in ignoring all material. It is now in the room and watches with empty eyes the wary boy in the bed, seeking and never finding an answer to his fear. It moves slowly, floating besides the bed, silently. It tilts its head and watches its prey closely, its old face full of wrinkles pushing up in dismay. It has never liked the company of a child. They're too energetic and full of questions. Its old age can barely keep up with its weight, much less with a hurried child always pulling it forward.
So death stared for a while, waiting as the frail boy shivered at the cold that it had brought in. A touch of its hand and it would be over. This boy would have no body, just a soul being carried off to somewhere, doesn't matter where. But it was still a boy's soul and it should remain in the mortal world. So death looked upon him one last time and vowed to return in a few years to find him old and experience, with wrinkles of his own. Only them he would take him and embrace him as a long lost friend. Leaving the room without looking back, death roamed away to another location where a soul would be waiting for it. So the boy went back to sleep, all the fear gone and warmth returned to his body.