sexta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2010

First touch (beneath the warmth of the Sun)

Enough words said by the wind that dances so casually all around us. She approached me with a innocent gaze, enough to startle me back to reality. I don't really fit in here, in this picture. The green hills with the snowy tops, the trees dancing with the wind and singing with the Sun, children playing so happily. It's summertime, vacations and cookies all day. So many flowers covering the ground, all from different colours. Matching the sky, the river travels on, endlessly, with a mysterious flow that hypnotizes and drags us on with it. Lost in my thoughts, what must she think of me now?
"Tell me about yourself, about your thoughts", she said to me. I don't even know what my name is, where I came from. True that the last sight my eyes captured was a lost piece of Hell but how can I go straight forward with my nightmares with a stranger? "You seem repulsed by my world" - she read my thoughts, almost. "Not repulsed, I feel marooned, lost", I answered. "I have shame of the wasteland that my feet last touched. But what more is a wasteland, the fields of war where brothers, fathers and sons die for false freedom or this cynical town where everyone lives so freely as if there isn't blood spilled for it?" I expected a face of shock, an angry stare, maybe even a slap in the face. But no, she just smiled. That confused me even more.
She sat right beside me, hands around her legs, shin on her knee. A compressed beauty that found her way to me. And didn't even knew what to say to her, how to speak. "The stars shine even during the day, they're the silent hope that we eager for", she turned her head to face me, a defiant ray of her mentioned hope. "Can you grasp it?" - she asked me looking to the sky, almost convinced me that she could see them. "How can you believe it? I have lost all faith, in humanity and in myself. I never was a man of faith, I'm not going to start being one after what I saw". She then grabbed my hand, pulled my arm and got near me. Hug me with the strength that I didn't had to continue life. "A little imagination and a friendly hand is all you need, leave the Gods to the fools", she spoke, laid her head in my chest and there we were.

1 comentário:

Jessica Fernandes disse...

Hey. Encontrei o teu blog por mero acaso, e parece-me que és da minha turma de Inglês x)
Gosto do que escreves.