quinta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2011

Animals of Equilibrium


We dwell on the streets with no name, never alone, never assured that the hand on our shoulder is friendly. Every time the Sun falls and the Moon carries it's weight throughout the night we feel a burden, a rejection of your human soul that comes from far away. We then fear that the end draws nigh. Contemplating and rejoicing upon the vicissitudes that our life brought around since we were born and now mourn with this new declivity that brims over conjunct perpetual memories. The shame gave us this masks, the pride gave us the strength and the bloodthirst came from the Moon, our enlightened leader. We are wolves that refuse to fall into hands of tyrants. We are the guardians of the unbound forests.


We carry the skies of black. We chant the mastery of the shadows, the unfathomable target of our existence. As the signs of impending doom, we are viewed as plague on three branches that exist to feed upon what human ravage. But we aren't more that couriers of our lord Death, we are mere tools on the cycle of existence, the equilibrium in which this Universe was built. We do not resent our fate, we have come to terms with it. We've resign ourselves with the names that we're given and the fear that humans have of us. We are the morality of the darkest side of the balance, we are the songbirds of Death, followers of the primal rule of life: receive life, take life and be taken from life. We are ravens that shall conquer all darkened branches in the late night.


We vision your world, overruled by our intelligence. All we see and hear, we do not tell. We are passive in our existence, we take no side, nor the white, nor the dark. But we observe, never shutting our eyes to the cruelty of humans and how both sides fight to correct the stream of life. Scarce is this life yet continuously every living being kills for the utmost outrageous, ridiculous reason. All the blood shed in the concrete ground is wasted. If the blood were tears and the tears blood, the forests would have grown abundant for both sides to live in coexistence and life would be more that greed and a race. We have shame upon all of those that walk this Earth and taint it with such despicable behaviour.We are the judges of what came before and what's to come, ruling every tyrant guilt and every free soul a passage to Summerland. An owl's eye is worth a lifetime of existence.

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