segunda-feira, 4 de agosto de 2008

Beautiful city of Sodoma - Fallen Paradise on Earth

Beautiful city of Sodoma, many would be the poems written to you and your glory, the pleasure that you could see in the blue sky. Every word blessed, every act a very well defined light in the temple of the Goddess. You had no sins, you had no crimes, all the smiles were simple suns shinning in the middle of the day. The fields were green, the blood was never spilled on the floor, the food were the best made in all the world. Too perfect, paradise in Earth, considered an error before idiot minds. You had to be taken down.
Who desecrated your trees? Who took down your hope and stabbed you in the back? You are not the wrong, you are not the hopeless, you are the righteous, the truth. You, a bright light in the night sky, were the tear in the eyes of the people who lived in and of you. In my other life, someone has told me that the eagle flies so high before she falls on the ground and dies. Never I thought that you, my sister and member of my blood, would have the same fate. But I didn't cry for I always knew that you would rise again. And for my anger, the murder of your assassins was enough. First blood spilled on your sacred grounds.
The cross overpowered the mist into a error that mankind would never recover from. They have destroyed the trees, killed the children and rapped the women. We were never the barbarians, they were with their obsessive quest for power and strength, never there was time for knowledge and peace. They killed the man as well. And, as my soul hangs from the stars the compose the zodiac circle, I watch burn, all you glory and splendour turned to ashes. Who were they, less than sinners, to say that you were wrong. How I loved you, beautiful city of Sodoma. Never shall my soul stop to avenge you fall.

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