segunda-feira, 30 de abril de 2007


New and dry, my thoughts, my head, in the shower while the hot and wet water falls upon me. They make my head cool down, so I can think about my life better. I've come to the conclusion that you're right, that I'm better off by myself, that there was no more hope for us. It helps me to continue trough the path of life until I find something better. And I've found something that makes me laugh, someone that makes me happy once again. I don't get lost, I just don't speak, I'm myself again, I'm the same as ever.
I would like to go with the flow, get to know the basic rules of living but that doesn't apply to me, I'm not a typical follower of rules, I like to think I'm a rebel and that I have my own life and my own rules. But there are schedules to follow and life isn't going to last forever. At least not mine and I'm happy about it. Because I don't fear Death, my father, anymore, because I'm no regular mortal anymore. I'm dead inside though I seem to be real and alive in the outside. But what is real? What is the truth? The truth is the water. It reflects us, the true us, our life is the water running and it's running out, it's ending just like me. Will the world be dry when I die? Doubt it but it's possible. Blue and transparent is the water so should be our life, our friends, our relationship. Find the truth in yourself and you'll find your true self. Maybe even me. We are water, but we aren't pure but we're on our way to something big and beautiful that is Death.

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Fizeste-me lembrar Ricardo Reis. Porque também ele dizia que a vida passa como o rio, e ele vai sempre ter ao mar. Por outro lado, ele acreditava no destino, e não me parece que tu o faças. Tammbém ele não temia a morte, apenas o sofrimento por ela causado.

I wonder if it is also how you feel.

Besides, no one is a regular mortal. No one. I just don't know if we are all dead inside. Maybe we are, or not (esta tinha de ser XD).

But is the water as clear and pure as you say?